Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know

How much does it cost?

While we work to build up our database of properties, it will be free. Eventually, we would like to turn UnlistedPH into a profitable business.

Why post on here when I can just post on Facebook?

Once we officially launch, we'll have a share on Facebook feature. That way you can easily setup your properties here, then share on Facebook and other social channels as well so you can easily put your listings in multiple places.

As a buyer, why should I use UnlistedPH?

This is actually what prompted me to create UnlistedPh.

There are so many property for sale groups on Facebook and if you join them and interact, your timeline will become flooded with PH realestate listing content.

I want to filter out all of that. I don't want a timeline burried an realestate listings.

There are a number of other issues I'm truing to solve, the big one being, most of the listings in groups don't have a price. A price will be required to post here.

Why are so many fields required?

Required Price

We want to reduce the amount of back and forth between buyers and sellers. Hiding the price creates a lot of unnecessary back and forth.

Our recommendation is to list at the highest price you're willing to accept. This way, you can always negotiate down.

Image Standards

Buyers want to know what exactly what they're going to get so clear images without any graphics are very important.